Massage therapy is a process of light and firm gliding strokes with stretching and ranging of the joints which calms the nervous system, triggers lasting feelings of relaxation and alleviates muscular tension.
Muscle contraction is a product of stress. In today's busy world, stress will always exist. Massage therapy can help reduce the tightness of muscles and alleviate the pain caused by the tension.
Injury and dysfunction affect movement and mobility. Massage therapy restores and maintains a healthy, pain-free function of the soft tissue structures (muscle, tendons, ligaments and fascia) of the human body.
Massage therapy helps to return your body's natural movements, relaxing and loosening muscles made sore by poor posture, allows your body to position itself in its natural and pain-free posture.
By increasing circulation, more oxygen, blood, and nutrients are delivered through the body resulting in a boost of energy. And, with loosened muscles, you will have a restful sleep and you'll feel less tired in the morning!
Stimulating your body's lymphatic system helps to release toxins through your blood and recharges the body's natural defense system. Also known to release endorphins, massage therapy helps you to feel happy, energized and at ease.
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